There is an simple way to get the Brand name from product ID in Woocommerce using get_post_meta() and wp_get_post_terms().
Method 1: How to Get Brand Name from Product ID in WooCommerce
Let’s see the example using get_post_meta():
$product_id = 123; // Replace 123 with your desired product ID
$brand_name = get_post_meta( $product_id, 'brand', true ); // Replace 'brand' with your custom meta key for brand
if ( $brand_name ) {
echo 'The brand of the product is: ' . $brand_name;
} else {
echo 'Oops! Brand not found for this product.';
Let’s break down the code we just brewed up. Firstly, we specify the product ID we’re interested in by replacing ‘123’ with our desired product ID. Then, we use the ‘get_post_meta()‘ function to fetch the meta value associated with the specified product ID.
In this function, we pass three parameters: the product ID, the meta key (‘brand’ in our case), and ‘true’ to ensure we retrieve a single value. You can customize the meta key according to your setup if it’s different from ‘brand’.
Method 2: How to Get Brand Name from Product ID in WooCommerce
Let’s see the example using wp_get_post_terms():
$product_id = 123; // Replace 123 with your desired product ID
$brand_terms = wp_get_post_terms( $product_id, 'pa_brand' ); // Replace 'pa_brand' with your product attribute for brand
if ( !empty( $brand_terms ) && !is_wp_error( $brand_terms ) ) {
$brand_name = $brand_terms[0]->name;
echo 'The brand of the product is: ' . $brand_name;
} else {
echo 'Oops! Brand not found for this product.';
We’re starting with a product ID, which is like a unique number assigned to each product in our online store. Let’s say we’re interested in a product with the ID 123.
Next, we use a function called wp_get_post_terms()
. This function helps us get the different terms associated with a specific post, which in our case is the product with the ID 123. We want to retrieve the brand name, so we pass in two pieces of information: the product ID and the name of the attribute where the brand is stored. For example, if our brand information is stored under an attribute called ‘pa_brand’, we mention that.
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Method 3: How to Get Brand Name from Product ID in WooCommerce
Let’s see the example using get_attribute() and wc_get_product():
$product = wc_get_product( $product_id );
if ( $product ) {
$brand_name = $product->get_attribute( 'brand' ); // Replace 'brand' with your product attribute for brand
if ( $brand_name ) {
echo 'The brand of the product is: ' . $brand_name;
} else {
echo 'Oops! Brand not found for this product.';
} else {
echo 'Product not found.';
- We start with a product ID, like a special number for each product.
- Using a function called
, we get all the details about that product based on its ID. - If the product exists, we move forward.
- We then try to get the brand name of the product using another function called
. - If we find the brand name, we show it.